Home » Iron Spider Costume » Iron Spider Costume – Spider-Man Stark Costume a.k.a

Iron Spider Costume – Spider-Man Stark Costume a.k.a

Iron Spider man

The Iron Spider costume was first given by Iron Man as a gift to Peter Parker. After Spiderman got rid of the Iron Spider costume and went back to his classic red and blue costume, the Red Team aka the Scarlet Spiders put this costume on.

The default look for this costume is a metallic red skin-tight suit covering the entire body with eyepieces, spider-legs, and a spider symbol on the chest, all in gold.

Iron Spider suit

The fabric of the costume is a liquid nano-fiber that can more or less disappear when needed. Three spider-legs in the back can pick things up and works as pseudo fingers; they also have cameras that can be display images in the costume’s eyepieces. The spider-legs are all hidden in the costume’s golden circle part in the back and can be deployed simply by mental command. The suit can adjust to mimic background colors or other Spider-Man suit patterns as well as turning Spider-Man invisible.

Iron spider costume

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